Showing 1 - 25 of 135 Results
An Enquiry into M. Antoine d'Abbadie's Journey to Kaffa, in the years 1843 and 1844, to disc... by Charles Tilstone Beke, Anto... ISBN: 9781241491482 List Price: $17.75
On the Former Extent of the Persian Gulf, and on the Non-identity of Babylon and Babel; in r... by Charles Tilstone Beke, Will... ISBN: 9781241504687 List Price: $14.75
An Enquiry into M. Antoine d'Abbadie's Journey to Kaffa, in the years 1843 and 1844, to disc... by Charles Tilstone Beke, Anto... ISBN: 9781241491598 List Price: $18.75
The British Captives in Abyssinia. by Charles Tilstone Beke ISBN: 9781241513337 List Price: $36.75
The late Dr. Charles Beke's Discoveries of Sinai in Arabia and of Midian. With portrait ... ... by Charles Tilstone Beke, Emil... ISBN: 9781241526559 List Price: $47.75
On the Alluvia of Babylonia and Chalda ... From the London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magaz... by Charles Tilstone Beke ISBN: 9781241165918 List Price: $15.75
On the Former Extent of the Persian Gulf, and on the Non-identity of Babylon and Babel; in r... by Charles Tilstone Beke, Will... ISBN: 9781241166564 List Price: $15.75
Jacob's Flight; or a Pilgrimage to Harran and thence in the Patriarch's footsteps into the P... by Beke, Emily, Beke, Charles ... ISBN: 9781241209797 List Price: $34.75
A Summary of recent Nilotic Discovery, etc. (From the Philosophical Magazine.). by Charles Tilstone Beke ISBN: 9781241492298 List Price: $14.75
On the Sources of the Nile; being an attempt to assign the limits of the basin of that river... by Charles Tilstone Beke, Herz... ISBN: 9781241702977 List Price: $15.75
On the Historical Evidence of the Advance of the Land upon the Sea, at the Head of the Persi... by Charles Tilstone Beke ISBN: 9781241166595 List Price: $15.75
Origines Biblicæ by Beke, Charles Tilstone ISBN: 9781173337001 List Price: $32.75
Abyssinia. A statement of facts relative to the transactions between the writer and the late... by Beke, Charles Tilstone ISBN: 9781240916320 List Price: $15.75
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